Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Your Prayer Requests!!

We all have areas of our lives that need prayer. Sometimes the need is so great that we would like for others to join in our prayers.

We have created a page just for this purpose!!

If you have a prayer request, please send it to us at:
We will add you to the Prayer Requests page so others can begin to pray for you as well.

Please take the time to visit this page to find other's needs that could use your prayers.

Matthew 18:19-20
19 Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.

Also, email us with requests for coverage on topics that you would like discussed... we hope to incorporate some of these into our blog posts especially if we know there is a need.

If you have a particular problem that you would like discussed, we may not always have the answer. If we don't feel like we can get a clear understanding of what the bible says on the issue, we will take your request anonymously to a preacher or counselor to get advice. We are not experts or licensed counselors. We are women with the desire to reach out to other women and to be there to help in any way that we can.

Please include in your email if you wish to remain anonymous or if we can use your name!! This is important to us because we will never include your name in the prayer request without permission from you ... but would prefer to use your name so other's prayers can be directed specifically towards you!  Please be clear on the intentions of your email (for example... I need prayer, I need advice, I need someone to explain)

Both Ashley and myself will be checking these emails. The emails themselves will never be copied or published without your permission. Email content will be strictly confidential unless specified otherwise by the writer.

We would also love to know if anyone needs a bible!!!! We are determined to find the means to get anyone who does not already have one, a copy of the most important book you will ever read!! So please, PLEASE email us if you or someone you know needs a BIBLE!

again, that email address is

We are looking forward to building a group of women and working together to become UNSHAKABLE in our faith in God!


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