Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Women and the roles that they play

Women and the roles they play

Paul, from jail, writes to Timothy. 
"I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived 
in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded
 now lives in you also." 2 Timothy 1:5

I am reminded of two women that influenced my own Christian faith. 
One was my grandmother's neighbor.  She shared Bible stories on a felt board using cut-out bible characters that made the stories come alive. Her name is Mrs. Stewart. 
Another woman who influenced me is my aunt. She often took me to church. Her name is Genae Hall. 
These two women played a role in establishing my Christian faith. They did this for no other reason, except their own love for God.  
And their love affected me. 
  • Now who can I affect? 
  • And how can I pass this love forward? 
Ask yourself that, too. I'd love to hear your ideas. 

If I could, I would

If I could, Lord I would.
I would feed all the hungry
I would clothe all the destitute 
I would heal all the hurting
I would protect all the innocent  
If I could, I would! 
But I am a single 45-year old woman --
So I can't.

And He answers back:
If my children could feed all the hungry, clothe all the destitute, heal all the hurting--
They would be the innocent. 
They can.


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