Thursday, January 29, 2015

Can you answer these questions?

My sisters all over the world--I have a couple of questions that God wants me to ask you. These questions I had to ask my own self.
1. Have you come to a place in your spiritual life where you know for certain that if you were to die today you would go to heaven, or is that something you would say you're still working on?
2. Suppose that you were to die today and stand before God and He were to say to you, "Why should I let you into my heaven?" What would you say?
Think about those two questions, if you will, while I tell you a little more.
Maybe you came up with "I have been a good person." "I have kept the Ten Commandments" "I try to live by the Golden Rule--that you treat others as you want to be treated". Or maybe you came up with something else.
If you will give me a few more minutes of your time,  I have something extraordinary that I want to tell you about! It is called grace.
Heaven is a free gift. In the Bible there is a scripture that says this:"the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life .." Romans 6:23
This gift is not earned or deserved. For a long time I have to tell you that I thought that I had to become good enough--then I realized it is a gift--unmerited and undeserved.
I also realized that "mankind" is a sinner. The Bible teaches that "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23
In every way we all failed to keep His commandments--both by sins of commission and sins of omission-- that is, the things we have done and the things we left undone. We also have sinned in word, thought and deed.
Man cannot save himself. There is not one of us good enough to get into heaven because God's standard is perfection! Jesus says"be therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect," Matthew 5:48. This is why none can earn our way into heaven.
God is merciful though! He does not want to punish us. The Bible says "He is love"! 1 John 4:8. We know He is loving, gracious kind but at the same time He is just, holy and righteous.
God is just --He must punish sin.
He must deal with sin. But he doesn't want to punish us because He loves us! That is where Jesus Christ works out that dilemma!
Jesus Christ is the God-Man.
Jesus is part of a "trinity". According to the Bible, Jesus is God, the second person of the Trinity, the Creator of the universe. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.. The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us" John 1:1,14. God came down in human flesh! And when He did-He died on the cross and rose from the dead to pay the penalty of sin and to purchase a place for us in heaven.
Imagine a scale and all my sin lumped on one side -- I mean everything I've done in secret and open including thoughts and motives  all weighed down heavy! What a burden. And Oh! how I will be judged!
But on the other side of the scale is Jesus. My sin prevented me from rising up to God until my sin was transferred to Jesus. Christ bore our sins in His body. When He died, He was buried in the grave for three days, but He rose again and went to heaven to make us a place ready-- for eternity-- as a gift! And this gift is received by faith. How do we receive this thing called faith?
Faith is not intellect. People believe who Napoleon was and who George Washington was without meeting them. They were real people in history and so was Jesus. So people can believe that He was a person, but they are not trusting Him to do anything for them now! That is not faith. That's just intellect acknowledgement. The Bible says that the devil believes in God. And even demons, but they were not saved.
Faith is more than just trusting for health, finances, protection, or guidance --things of this life that will pass away.
Faith is trusting Jesus Christ alone for eternal life! He didn't come to help us that one time for an operation or to safely get us to our next stop on earth. He came to get us to heaven.
The Bible says "Believe in The Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved " Acts 16:31. People trust in one of two things -- self or in Christ. And I was trusting in my own efforts before  and those efforts would never be good enough!! I had to start trusting Christ! I received the gift of eternal life. I did not deserve it, but by His grace, I have it.
It's like a chair.. Do I believe that a chair would support me if I sat in it? Yes, I do. But until I sit in it, it cannot support me. How do I prove that the chair will support me? By sitting in it.
To receive eternal life, you must transfer your trust from yourself to Christ!
What then is my motive for living a godly life if this is free?? Gratitude for what Christ has given. Thank you, Lord for what you have done!
Does this make sense to you?
This is the greatest story EVER told and the greatest offer ever made by the greatest person who ever lived!
Now the question God is asking you is this: "Would you like to receive this  gift of eternal life?"
If you said "yes" that means

  • You are transferring your trust-- your hope of eternal life from what you had been doing-- going to church, being a good neighbor, living by the Golden Rule-- to what Jesus Christ done for you on the cross. He takes our sin and we receive His righteousness. 
  • You acknowledge that He is your Savior.  
  • You receive Christ as Lord of your life. Are you willing to yield your life to His control because of your gratitude for eternal life?? 
  • Repent. You have to repent of your sins and follow Him. 

If you answered YES. God is there with you!
Father, I pray that you would grant the gift of eternal life. May the Holy Spirit draw and bring understanding what You have done. Grant her faith to believe your promises,and  repentance to turn from her sins. Reveal Christ crucified today!
Ask Him now to take your life. Confess that you are a sinner and need a Savior and accept the gift of eternal life.
Father you have heard their prayer and I ask that you give them assurance, In Jesus name, Amen!
Trust Christ for eternal life!

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