Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Ephesians … only 6 chapters, and yet so much is said and so much is speaking to me from here. Today’s post, like yesterday’s "Return to Faith" is once again coming from what I am learning in this book.

Ephesians 5:15-16
15 Be careful, then, how you live- not as unwise but wise 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.

This morning, like most mornings around my house, was hectic. My oldest son needed clean school clothes (which were washed but not dry). My youngest son, who suffers from painful and undiagnosed digestion issues, informed me that he is sick to his stomach… and I can tell by his face that he is in pain. My oldest daughter, 4, informed me that she does not want to go to school anymore. My youngest daughter, 3, decided this morning that she wanted her pacifier back (after about a week without it). She came into the kitchen, where I was, and said “I don’t want to do this anymore.” When I asked her what she didn’t want to do, she replied in tears “I just need my pappy back”. On top of that, the list of things I need to do today like pick the dog up from the vet, laundry, dishes or just being in two places at one time (here at home with my son who is sick and going in to work). And on that note- all of the things I need to do at work … all these things are mounting in my mind… along with a headache creeping in.

I feel panic setting in… I feel overwhelmed…

This isn’t my first morning like this. It is a common occurrence. But, it is something that needs to be addressed. I can’t panic… I am supposed to be on the road to becoming unshakable!!

I feel like I need God to direct this day for me, and so I let Him.

 After successfully getting 3 out of 4 children taken care of for the day, I return home to get myself ready… but first get on my knees to ask for guidance. These words come to me:  TIME MANAGEMENT, PRIORITIES, and most of all OPPORTUNITES.

With each request, compliant or problem from each of my children, I have the OPPORTUNITY to plant a seed. My oldest is 18… it is time to start taking responsibility for his own clothes. We need to work on doing this the night before; it is my job to teach him to be responsible. My 11 year old son; I do believe a huge part of the problem is what he is putting in that stomach of his… an opportunity to teach about good eating habits. My 4 year old daughter was happy when I told her I would wait for her to get out of school to pick up our dog for the vet… because this is the main reason she didn’t want to go to school … she is terribly worried about our sweet dog. I took this opportunity to teach her that she is an important member of our family and she can have the important job of holding our dog in the car on the way home, that made her feel very valuable… I could see this in her eyes. My little one that wanted her pacifier back… this was her security (her blanket and her pacifier)… so why at that moment did she feel like she needed it? Possibly because of the chaos surrounding her? Possibly because she sees her Mommy running around trying to hold it together and on the verge of panic? So I used this opportunity to kneel down to her eye level, give her a big hug and say “Everything is okay, you are a big girl and Mommy is so proud of you”. I didn’t hear another word about her pacifier after that. She just needed a little reassurance.

My to-do list, even at work, is not as important as  GOD and my family.  I will, for today, cut it back as much as possible so I can be with my son who is not feeling well.

I must:
Always make GOD and my family the PRIORITY (in that order... because it won't work if it isn't in that order)

Work on a solution to my TIME MANAGEMENT problems (while realizing that with 4 kids and running a business there will always be time issues.... things will always come up that are unexpected.. and I have to pray, breathe, and not panic)

Take every OPPORTUNITY to teach my children about GOD.... along with that comes values, morals, responsibility and self-worth.
Proverbs 22:6
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

For all of the parents out there… here is a prayer for US!!!!

teach us today, show us and guide us. Life gets stressful… the little things mount up and become mountains. You and only You can move these mountains. Help us to remain calm, help us to prioritize our lives in the way that is most pleasing to you, show us where to spend our time and help us to use every opportunity for Your will. Thank You for our precious blessings, our children and our families.

~ Andrea

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