Saturday, January 24, 2015

I dreamed about you, YES YOU!!! ~by Andrea

I dreamed I was standing at the front, second story window of a two-story home. I was looking out at a large area of dirt in the yard in front of the home. Suddenly, a car came from around a curve and somehow ended up in this large area of dirt. The area of dirt turned into soft mud or sinking sand and the car began to sink. I watched in terror... unable to move out of fear.

Finally, I felt like I could move.... after I knew the car had become almost entirely buried and all that was left showing was part of the windshield,  I bolted down the stairs and towards the front door... I screamed out "there is a car, it is being sucked in by the earth... please help me help them". A voice said from the back of the house, "Are you crazy? There is no car being sucked in by the earth... and even if there was, how are you going to help?!" I screamed "NO, there is a person in there, help me help them!". Silence from the voice while I thought to myself... "I am going to open the door, and they won't be there, I was seeing things, this can't be happening."

Reluctantly, I opened the door. There in front of me was the car.... or what was left showing of the car.  I could see a woman; dark skin and hair, she was frantically trying to break the window. I found a baseball bat laying in the yard and ran to the car. I looked at her again and her face had changed... now she was a light skinned woman with brown hair. I swung that bat and... as dreams go... I busted the windshield just enough so that I could pull large pieces of it out without harming the woman... whose face had one again changed into someone else and continued to change throughout the entire dream.

I asked the woman "Are you ready to get out?" And she nodded yes, but was looking past me at something. I turned and saw a tree type shape. It was glowing and radiated feelings of  peace and goodness. It was beautiful and I realized that I had become connected to that tree. I became a very small part of it, but in a unique position allowing me to reach this woman.

I could look in her eyes and see that she only wanted to get close to that tree. She never locked eyes with me, she never spoke to me except the one time she nodded her head. I kept talking to her though, telling her where to place her foot, her hand, and when it was time to give it her best push up and out. And she did these things, never taking her eyes off that tree. And when she was finally free.... SHE BOLTED for the tree!!!! I couldn't see her anymore but I knew she was safe and she was in a better place than she had ever been. I knew that her life was changing. As for me... my life was used. And I was so humbled and felt unworthy to be the one to help her out. But I knew... I was placed in a unique place that allowed me to help her break free... I was just a small part, but I did what I was supposed to do.

I woke up 2:30 am this morning and started recalling parts of the dream... I typed notes in the "notes" section of my iPhone... because I knew that this was my next for me to write on this blog... and I didn't want to forget the details.

Another thought occurred to me as I wrote my dream notes....I need to ask you if you need a church to attend. Ashley and I are familiar with LOTS of the churches in our county and surrounding areas.... if you are local and need to start attending, please contact us and let us connect you with a Pastor, a woman or teacher of a church, give you directions, or even just times of services! If you are not local let us pray with you that God will lead you to where he wants you to worship and fellowship. Email us at

My prayer for this day:

Thank you God for letting me be a small part... even the tiniest branch of Your amazing tree. Please lead and direct me so I am serving You and ONLY YOU. Please continue to use me and keep me on the right path.
Thank You again for everything,


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