Monday, January 19, 2015

Is modesty a virtue or a weakness?

Lately, I have been hearing this song when the spirit of ME! rises up. LOL! click here to hear!!
Is modesty a virtue or a weakness?
In today's modern world the word modesty makes some women CRINGE!
Modesty can be a behavior, a manner or modesty can be a mode of dress. And I have to input here, ladies--because I am like "who am I to talk about modesty, Lord???!!" He knows what we need to learn, so I have to press on over my stubbornness and concede to His Spirit to explore this topic--He is teaching me something here! 
And since we girls like to dress-up, I want to talk about modest apparel first.
What is dressing modestly? 
Images of women cloaked in a submissive state of blackness is the most extreme state of modesty my mind conjures up.  And blackness/darkness is a perception of evil.
So wrapping my head around that, I look past that to recognize that standards vary from culture to culture. They also change from one generation to the next. My gramdma's bathing suit, back in the day, is a lot different than mine! If I ever dared to wear a suit-that is. 
So with time and fads coming and going, what can a modern smart Christian woman wear and be okay by biblical standards? That's the great thing about the Bible--it is solid, unwavering. The world changes but the truth of the Bible is ever constant.
I brought  "smarts" into the equation because according to my Bible, God gives us a sound mind, (2 Timothy 2:7) to make solid choices and we share in His Spirit. He is wise beyond my human comprehension. But he promises to give us wisdom, if we ask. (James 1:5-If any of you lacks wisdom he should ask God, who gives generously to all without fault, and it will be given to him)
So, this is where I stop, pray and ask for wisdom, this is a touchy subject for me!
Something rises up and says "You are grown, NOBODY is going to pressure you about clothes!" 
And so maybe that is the key. NO person should. Only God can convict the heart. Only God can whisper to your soul--look beyond the outward appearance into the soul,  and only then will the outward appearance reflect what is happening on the inside, in the heart.
So leaving my dress code for a moment, let's look at the manner of modesty. Another word for modesty is humility. YIKES!
Modesty and humility. Words that have a negative connotation in our aggressive "whatever you can do, I can do better! Just watch me and see!!" world that we live in. 
But scripture has a different view. It really has the opposite view. Where the world sees humility as a weakness, the Bible says that it is a strength.
Some verses, you ask? Thanks for thirsting.

  1. Proverbs 11:2- When pride comes, then disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
  2. Proverbs 15:33- The fear of The Lord teaches a man wisdom, and humility comes with honor. 
  3. 1 Peter 5:5. -All of you clothe yourself with humility toward one another because God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.
How can He work if we do not submit? It's not that he wants to humiliate us into a state of humility. 

Submissiveness is a state of great honor when we are submissive to a great God that is far wiser!
But we are to be submissive to each other, as well. Yep, I found it in the word.
Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you,~Jesus <<< if that's not submitting ourselves to each other then I don't know what is!

I know this seems to have taken us away from the modesty "what do I dare to wear" question, but it's necessary to set the right attitude inside because that dictates the action of pulling out that low-cut blouse or skin tight britches or spiked so high heels that cause a nosebleed--either from altitude or falling face first! I so would fall face-first, just saying.
But now am I rushing out to buy my abaya-- that black cloak, head scarf and face veil?
No, I'm not. Some women do, and some must--but what I will be doing is keeping modesty in mind. So it will be affecting my behavior.

My prayer today: God please set the right attitude in our hearts today. One that uplifts YOU first and secondly uplifts others around us. Every time the wrong attitude arises, I pray, that YOU rise up and caution me so that I can readjust and redirect my actions. I acknowledge you as the source of strength and humility as a place of honor. Thank you for teaching me and not leaving me in a puffed up world of my making! In Jesus name, Amen!

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