Saturday, January 24, 2015

Highly favored or highly-flavored

I love a good omelette! I fixed three this morning. I added some spices to flavor it up! I added a little cayenne, some paprika and green onions, topped off with some Colby jack cheese--it was delicious! Both my boys told me how delicious it was --that omelette got me some favor from them. And, of course, as any mother would, I ate it up!
But that got me thinking how we flavor our lives to get favor from people. 
Although, pleasing people is a good thing at times,  pleasing God is paramount!
Pleasing others above God means relinquishing worth to a lessor purpose.
God says in His word that He is jealous for His people. He expects loyalist and nothing less. And when He has it, He will show favor. And that means that other people will show favor.
There have been projects that I absolutely had no business doing! I was using God's time for my time. And I missed out on that superior favor.
Other times, I did things because I was trying to earn a spot that if He wanted me to have He  could have easily placed me. And still there are other times, when I put my self-worth in people, I completely handed my soul over to them, only to be used for their pleasure or purpose. God did not create us for that!
He created us to connect with Him,  and then He will add all things.

Now, I like to dress up and wear my costume jewelry, but sometimes I get carried away and put on too much adornment. And honestly at times, I look in the mirror and tell myself, "You just got complicated. Girl, take some of that off!"
I ask you to ask yourself where you are flavoring things up and over-complicating things in your own life.
Ask God to show you. Pray, "Father, you are the source of my favor. Show me the things that I need to let go and I ask that You add those things in my life that I need ---that brings you pleasure and me pleasure, for You are the Maker of my soul and know what I need. " ~Amen

  • "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
  • "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33 
Praying for you!! ~Ashley 

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