Sunday, January 25, 2015

Pride goes for a ride

The mind is a beautiful thing to waste on mere human reason. 

Smart people confuse me. I mean the ones that are too smart for God and sneer down their noses at the poor lowly close-minded Christians. These "intellectuals" remain in a constant mind provoking process. They are ever-evolving in thought. They reason there is a reason for this reason, and they reason there is a reason for that reason--all the while reasoning through. There is no end to their reason!
 They do not take things at face-value ---because they are too deep to face it.
Explanations are their god. They search their own mind for the answer, leaving God out of the equation-- without question, what they are thinking is doubtful.
They note in every season, making meticulous methodical observations on change--but still can never change the weather. The weather is the weather, whether you note it, or not!
They are ever-making mind policies to uncover the next great thought revealing the matter of the mind--does not matter.
They think themselves wise fearlessly searching knowledge in this fallible state of doubtful wonder that proclaims--"If". When if only they would fear their infallibility, instead.
For only when a man recognizes that his state of uncertainty is purposed for more than wonder, can true revelation come.
Human reasoning changes over time. But there comes a time when reasoning must be left behind, shook off, and the Truth, that stands separate, eagerly embraced. He waits to be searched out.
The fear of God is the beginning of everything. He is the Creator of all things. That is the starting point from where all knowledge must flow. The mind is a beautiful thing to waste on man's mere reason.

  • "The fear of The Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline." Proverbs 1:7
  • "If we are "out of our mind," as some say, it is for God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. 2 Corinthians 5:13
  • Read: Acts 17: v16-34 & 18:1-6. 

If you have been too smart for God and recognize pride has played a role in keeping you faithless, but have a desire to change-- then ask God to forgive your pride!
"Father, I pray for those who recognize pride as the motivating factor in their quest for the truth. You are the source of all knowledge and wisdom. Please forgive our pride. We acknowledge You as the divine teacher of all! In Jesus name, Amen!"
Pride takes us for a ride, send it for a ride instead!
Praying for you and me! Ashley

1 comment:

  1. The Stumbling Block Of The Mind---
    Apostle Paul met the learned scholars of Mars Hill in Athens Greece with a brilliance they could not trump. He saw all their many gods and then preached his famous sermon on the “unknown god” they had built a monument to. Paul preached Christ! Paul did not set up an Athenian Church because these “great minds” could not or would not submit to God. Today that Athenian spirit is alive and well.
    Education can be a very good thing but if not surrendered to Christ it just makes a “wiser devil.” Intellectual idolatry, did then, and still now, leads to the acceptance of all kinds of other gods (which are no gods at all). It is typically the higher educated that deny the accuracy and inerrancy of the Word of God, but somehow, still, deceptively, claim Him as Lord.
    Do you not know that He says He is the Word?(John1:1) Do you not know that He watches over His Word?(Jeremiah1:12) Do you not know that surrender, to God and His Word, is the BEGINNING of wisdom?(Proverbs9:10) That ALL wisdom and knowledge is found in Christ?(Colossians2:3)
    Acts chapter 4 gives the account of the “uneducated and unlearned” Apostles confounding the lawyers, doctors of divinity and such, with the wisdom given by the Spirit. The confounded group of learned minds did give the correct testimony though…”they took note that they(Apostles) had been with Jesus.”
    Today is no different; the false religion of Islam is raging through our university campuses as we, ignorantly, promote intellectuality over godliness. I, personally, don`t concern myself with allah (nor do I worry about martians, big foot, or the Loch Ness monster). But I do pray for the lost.
    Paul left the “great minds” of Mars Hill and went to Corinth, the moral armpit of the world, and established the Corinthian Church. Christ showed up in a vision and claimed many of those people as His own(Acts18:9-10), and we have the two Corinthian letters to help us in governing the Church. Amazing the filth God can bring us to repentance over and save us from, but that prideful mind is a stumbling block.
    Cavin Jimmerson
