Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Modern day frenemies

David said to God, " I am in deep distress, let us fall into the hands of the Lord, for His mercy is great; but do not let us fall into the hands of men." 2 Samuel 24:14

Have you heard of the word "frenemy"? You may or may not have. It is a word that was actually added in 2009 to the Merriam- Webster dictionary. Apparently, the chaps saw a great need for its inclusion, giving an official name to the practice of backstabbing.
The meaning of frenemy can be found in the blending of two words -- friend and enemy. So the meaning makes straight forward sense--it is the one who pretends to be your friend but actually is an enemy. But you will know them by their fruits.
Although officially recognized in 2009, the female -frenemy relationship has been around much much longer.
The Bible gave the real first account of the  spirit of frenemy when the devil pretended to befriend Eve. That account described how that sly slippery serpent gained Eve's trust, and enticed her into a life of sin.  That crafty critter compelled and used persuasive words to win Eve. Eve was snared by her new best friend and a desire to be like God, but here's the kicker--she already had been made in His likeness. That devil was smooth. So smooth he landed on his belly. But
Eve forsook God's directive, and joined in the serpent's spirit of disobedience. That exchange unfortunately set a precedence and the state of frenemies was spitefully established.
"And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head and you will strike his heel. " Genesis 3:15. 
That scripture pretty much describes modern-day frenemies.
And it is a state that many today stoop low to take.
The serpent learned that once Eve's eyes were opened that she saw the lie. And though frenemies try to distract with deceptive charm,
God gives us insight into false friends.
They give compliments and jabs at the same time, trying to get us a notch lower. They deliver their agenda at any expense, especially yours. They operate selfishly with no regard for you, unless it fulfills some purpose for them.
 The reason they want us lower is because they want to be elevated.
But Jesus recognizing how this spirit of hostility can cause bitterness, addressed both sides of the issue. He said,
"But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you," Matthew 5:44.
Then he appealed to those with rife with ambition,
 "The greatest among you will be your servant." Matthew 23:11.
True friendship trumps a fake one any day. But if a relationship cannot be repaired then it may be time to walk away, lesson learned.
We all have a place in God's world that has been skillfully prepared, no sense in trying to make another.
Father I pray for those that are operating in the spirit of hostility and those that have bitterness. I pray that you forgive us of our hatred and put us in the right attitude. Remove those people out of our lives who walk in total disobedience with a swagger. And I pray that You surround us with true friends that love and encourage us. Help us Lord to overcome our trust issues. We honor and glorify you! In Jesus' name, Amen
Praying for you and me! Ashley

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