Wednesday, January 21, 2015

My messy den

Time to check out Ms. Heloise's helpful household hints!! Check out the link.

My den's a little messy! It just gets that way sometimes, don't it? Atleast for me it does. Between being a single mom, grandmother,  having a busy job and social activities... Some things get untidy at times-- and I just don't mean the house! 
To be real, sometimes I get stressed and overwhelmed with the whole routine and want to disappear for a year just to regroup. That's usually when I'm spiritually starved. Do you know what I mean?  
I mean, being in the Word of God and having a healthy prayer life helps me to handle stress!
I wonder if I left that load of laundry sitting on my couch and keep hoping it gets done--if it will? Nahh, you're right, it probably won't. It's my responsibility to do it. In the same way, it is my responsibility to keep the faith up--- through daily Bible reading and active prayer life.
If I  don't maintain my chores at home, playing catch-up drains me and it also weighs heavy on my mind that someone could pop-in to find me in a mess! 
That is how my spiritual life goes, too. Life is gonna get messy--no doubt about it! So I gotta keep the faith up! 

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