Monday, February 23, 2015

Shame and Blame

Shame. Blame.

.... and exchange at the Cross


2 Corinthians 1:4 

He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.

There are these two things that most of us encounter in our lives. These two things are called shame and blame. These things can linger and live underneath other thoughts, actions and feelings. These things can be the actual reason that our decisions sometimes can surprise even ourselves after they are made.  It is time to take a closer look at these. It is time to give them up. It is time to take them to the cross.

There are two types of shame.
Most of us have both and get them confused. Let's take a look at them and sort them out so we know how to give them up.

The first is received shame. Take this to the foot of the cross, leave it there. This shame is the result of someone else. You were never intended to carry this shame. Although you have blamed yourself, you are not at fault.  Take this shame to the foot of the cross, leave it there for the person responsible to come and pick it up and place in the hands of Jesus. If no one comes to pick it up, Jesus will claim it. He died for it. It is not yours to blame yourself for anymore.

The second is deserved shame. You are the one responsible for this shame. The shame and blame has been chasing you anywhere but toward the cross. You should head that way now. Jesus has His hands out to take this burden from you. He died for your sins. While you are there look down at the foot of the cross. Pick up what is at His feet that you are responsible for and place it in his hand so that others can heal as well. 

This was a message for me on how to heal and help heal. I wanted to share it with you because I found it so important. Please take this message and with it take your shame and blame to the cross where you can exchange it for peace and love. I know that He is waiting for you. 


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