Saturday, February 7, 2015

"Lord, Only You Can Change Me" study

Hello there! I hope ya'll are reading and getting insight from our study, "Lord, Only You Can Change Me" by Kay Arthur.
How true is that! That He is the only One that can change us! We can change our outward appearance at will--change hairstyles, clothes styles, and often we do to follow culture--to say that culture does not impact us is to say that we never bit the apple of technology, of fashion, of fads, of anything that the world offers! Our cultures and traditions form our psyche. But a separate righteousness exists outside of that. And that is Christ.  And though our faith can be small or strong depending on circumstances, especially when we are frustrated,  that has no bearing on the righteousness of Christ. We cannot change the character of faith, but faith can change our character.
Righteousness is never achieved outside of Christ. We can do good deeds, but righteousness remains the same. We can do all things in our power of good intent, but righteousness remains the same. We cannot add to His righteousness but His righteousness adds to us!
If we looked at it that our good or our sin impacted the righteousness of God then we are putting God on the same level as us. Think of a see-saw, on one side is Sin and the other God. If we looked at it like that, then God would be subject to our inclinations--to Man's inclinations.  He would be raised higher depending on our will. That is not true. We were created. We could get caught in a wrong belief, too, that our good works elevate us.
Can we then live like a devil on Devil's Island or tramp heavily on this earth? Sure, we can--we won't touch the Kingdom of heaven! But we won't enter it either.
The woman with the issue of blood touched the corner of Jesus cloak and was healed. The corner she reached, released power. She demonstrated faith by reaching out to the power of God.
And when we reach a corner, there is a power to change our lives.
In that way, whatever challenge we find ourselves in--bankruptcy, grief, divorce, court proceedings, jail, loneliness, oppression, persecution--if we look for a power outside of our mere human power, we have an anchor of hope.
I believe that Christ can work even in the worse of worst -- and I know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him! I must receive from Christ for a change to come.
Back to the study, Kay brings out that the theme of the Sermon on the Mount is heaven and righteousness.
Those who enter fulfill 4 elements of lifestyle:
1. Poor in spirit (2)persecuted for righteousness' sake(3) have a righteousness that surpasses that of scribes and Pharisees(4) obey God's will.
Righteousness is required to enter the kingdom of heaven. No, not ours--His --that we received the moment we connected to the work of the cross. Then we learn the way of righteousness.
But I have to stop here and answer this question for myself--if I am all in then I want to know what I am all in for --what is the kingdom of heaven?  Is it a mere destination after death? If it were only that, then why did Jesus spend time cultivating people. So it must be that the end of our existence just begins with Christ! He cultivates us so that we grow and go to heaven.
 The Kingdom of Heaven offers a power on earth,  and is a destination that begins in the heart of man and concludes in the righteousness of Christ. Once we believe, we receive.
Then life and its' work, begins.
PURPOSE of Christ, v17
Jesus came to fulfill the law. Jesus validates the law had a purpose. But the law could not transfer perfection, it dealt with imperfection.
PRE-WARNING given, v19,20
If you break commandments, you will called least in the Kingdom, if you example them, you will be great in the Kingdom. You're still in the Kingdom. The law or the teachings of Christ-- Jesus taught that the law was flawed over and over again. He fulfilled -- or brought an end to a contract that had its' day. But still Jesus understood it was entrenched in the everyday lives of people. And worked with it to some degree.  The law does have a separate place outside of heaven. The scribes and the Pharisees both failed to enter the kingdom because the law failed to make them righteous. The law gave external conditions to gain righteousness, but the heart of man did not seek God's direction to change behavior.  Jesus turned the heart of man back to God to gain righteousness.
PERFECTION in LIFESTYLE, Character & Conduct
Again, perfection is found in God, v.48 "Be perfect, therefore, as your heaven Father is perfect"
In the versus prior, Jesus had just instructed on lifestyle conducts to lead us in that direction.
v21-Kill anger, it causes as much harm as murder.
v23-Forgive and ask for forgiveness quickly. Anger is even in the backdrop here.. If we are wronged, we feel angry/upset/slighted.
v27-Reject lust.
v32-Reject unfaithfulness--breaking contracts easily leads to breaking covenants.
 v33- Let go of promises and oaths anchored in self, and be lead by God.
v.38- Show extravagant mercy to all!
V43-Love everyone without exception.
Character and conduct working together. Telios is a Greek word meaning destination. Rooted in tolerance. Tolerance is endure or resist without being affected or real harm coming to us. If our end is perfection and our purpose is to be Salt, then we are to purify, cleanse and heal and it begins in us first. Each day is a new day toward perfection! ~~Ashley

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