Monday, February 16, 2015

Everybody's looking for something....

In 1983 Annie Lennox and David Stewart, known then as the Eurythmics (a British new wave duo), wrote and released this song -- Sweet Dreams-- that, for some reason, was stuck in my mind as I woke this morning. Back in the day, I thought this was a really cool but kind-of scary song. I looked up the lyrics --although I was sure I knew them well-- just to make sure I had them right and try to come up with a reason this song was playing in my mind! I had not heard it lately so I assumed it was there for a reason!!

The song is about living life in this world of sometimes evil intentions from man's (and/or woman's) perspective. It is about constantly looking for something and never being satisfied... and dealing with the people doing the same around you.  It is about people who you cross paths with in your life and how they will treat you and how you treat them. This is the meaning I got from the lyrics anyway!

I began my bible study for the day shortly after reading the lyrics to the song. I was feeling a little uncomfortable with the message I was getting but read these verses and soon realized... maybe there was a message in this experience after all!

ASK! SEEK! KNOCK! and Everybody's looking for something.....

Matthew 7:7-8
7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. 

These were words spoken by our savior Jesus during his Sermon on the Mount.

Just like in the song "Sweet Dreams", everybody really is looking for something... and in these two verses, Jesus gives us all a threefold representation of how to find it!

ASK: Come with faith to prayer as a means of obtaining needs... with emphasis on the words COME IN FAITH!!

SEEK: AGAIN- In prayer, seek God... if it is his will for you, you will receive what you ask for.

KNOCK:  If you feel shut out, knock on the door of mercy! Have faith and that faith will be the key that opens the door.

Keep reading for assurance!!

Matthew 7:9-11
9 Which of you,  if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give goods to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

Jesus is saying this in a way us parents can relate to here!! If my children come to me and ask me for something to eat... I will surely give this to my children. I know my children have to eat to live and I love my children, so I will provide this for them. And sometimes my kids want a little extra... sometimes they get "the wants"!... and I love my children so much that sometimes I give them little gifts, little extras to show them how much. And sometimes when my children WANT, I tell them no because I know that there is a need greater than the want.

What Jesus is saying to us in these verses is; If me, a sinner, can take care of my children and love them in this way... then just imagine how well our FATHER in HEAVEN will take care of us when we, his children, ASK, SEEK, and KNOCK!

Jesus sums up these things by saying this--
Matthew 7:12
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

HUH? What does what we need and want have to do with this last verse?? I believe this "Golden Rule" is a command to us so that we might be deserving of what we ask for. My pastor said something so special while speaking yesterday. He said "Everyone is Precious". He went on to explain how everyone, even those who dislike us or those who have done wrong to us, is precious to God. This statement really made me think of this verse. No matter what people have done to me, they are still precious to God. I have to forgive and treat these precious other people how I want them to treat me before I can even fathom asking for something for myself.

Some of them want to use you. Some of them want abuse you. Everyone is looking for something.


Everyone is PRECIOUS to GOD, EVERYONE can ASK, SEEK, and KNOCK, everyone must live this life in this world of sometimes evil intentions. Everyone must realize how important it is that we treat each other how we want to be treated. And if we follow Jesus' instructions for our lives, not only will we learn how to love one another, we will find that something we are all looking for.


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