Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Fight Apathy or Don't.

Apathy is dead.

Fighting apathy on the home-front

There are many people that I meet as a reporter that  invite me into their lives and share with me their hopes and desires, and express their problems to me on such a deep level that I walk away praying that God meets their needs, "Surely, if any one needs a miracle, they do Lord!"
I walk away from them, but really they are still with me, in my mind, on my heart ever present in my thoughts.  And I am left with this sentiment of what can I do? How can I help them?
  It can be a disheartening feeling to walk away from a cancer patient, or from a mother with a sick child that has shared their story and in need of a miracle and well,  just leave them there -with no solution.
   And I am sincere when I say that at times, after I walk away like that-- I am disillusioned because I see the pain and anguish, and feel the heavy hearted heaviness of the situation and something compels me to want to do something. 
  But what can I do?  But pray and ask God to open doors or close doors, to bring healing or intervene in some huge way that impacts their lives. And to give me wisdom that if there is something that I can, then I do it.
  I am a firm believer that people don't just happenstance into our lives. We are there to encourage, aide, give to the ones around us in whatever way that we can. And often I would say, we are there to show great compassion.
We may not be able to physically heal a person, but we can provide emotional healing to one another.  Being there is saying --I hear what you are saying and although I may not have the answers, I am here. You're not alone in your thick depression, by yourself in this horrible sickness, weathering a bleak dark storm without a friend.  We have our own lives to live each day that the sun rises, but with the state of the world falling to such a degree of hate, we must take the time to show the ones around us that we care. 
We may not be able to fight terrorism  abroad, but we can fight apathy at home.  
But that will require dying to indifference.  
Who knows? If we take the time to uncover what that other person has gone through, it could be of value to us---because we are facing it. Or what one has acquired during their own trying times, is what that other person needs to hear.
That may sound "pokey" in a world that is spewing meanness and hatred, but really it is not. Meeting a person in their hour of need thwarts chaos and brings stability in our community.  
No matter where you are on the map, we all are on God's radar,  and how we treat our neighbors makes all the difference in our world and it makes a world of difference in peoples' lives.  
  ~~Praying for you and for me, Ashley

"But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness." Psalm 86:15,
"Pursue a righteous life—a life of wonder, faith, love, steadiness, courtesy. Run hard and fast in the faith. Seize the eternal life, the life you were called to, the life you so fervently embraced in the presence of so many witnesses." 1 Timothy 6:12, The Message Bible

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