Friday, February 13, 2015

My Single Valentine

Where O' Where is my Valentine?! 

Valentine O' Where is my Valentine?
 So, here I am,  another year without a Valentine! But since I am here-- I choose to be content in it--believing that He knows what I need and who I need!
But what is a single girl or guy suppose to do on a dateless Valentines Day/Night  when it seems like most of the ones around us are true-lovin'?
  • First, realize it is okay! No fretting about the fate you're in--we have it established that our hearts will contain His desire for our "whats, whos and wheres" so we hold on to that in faith!  "Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
  • Second, we open eyes to see the countless other singles that are out there. You truly are not alone! "A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity." Proverbs 17:17 
So, if for you, Valentines is a biggie and may make you feel down in the dumps, organize a group outing with some of your single friends. Go to the spa, shopping, out for a meal, go fishing, gather around a fire and probe the meaning of life, but get out and enjoy yourself with people that really love you--your family and friends.
If you're not the social type,  then how about taking the time to "fall in love" with yourself! Do things that you enjoy doing and treat yourself well. Cook your favorite meal, watch your favorite movie, read your favorite book, work on your favorite project, or get lost in your favorite chapter in the Bible and thank God for the many blessings that He has given.
Valentines is a day of love and devotion. Commit to expressing your love to God and to the others around you, including yourself!~~LOVES, Ash

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