Friday, February 6, 2015


I believe I may have struck a nerve... so please let me clarify a couple of things....

I am referring to my post yesterday where I said:

"I was on that wide path where everything in this world was okay and acceptable. I may have chosen not to do certain things but said WHATEVER for the people who do... that is their life, not my responsibility.

AND I also said:

I decided to get beyond my mask... the mask I wore on the wide path that people could look at me and say "Andrea, she is okay with whatever!"

When I made these two statements, I -by no means- meant I am about to start judging and telling people how they should and should not live!!! I started this mission by saying that I am unworthy to tell people anything about anything.  In our about me section Ashley and I used these words to describe our intentions: "Both Ashley and Andrea desire to use their everyday life experiences to grow as Christian women and have faith through all life brings. They created this platform to do this openly and outwardly in hopes that other woman may join them in their quest to become UNSHAKABLE by faith in GOD." Notice the words "grow" and "openly and outwardly" meaning we are trying to let God fix us and use us and hope that if we do this in view of others it could be an inspiration to them as well.

What I meant by my writing yesterday is that up until recently I have let myself get in to situations where maybe I could have been a better example to a stranger, friend to my friends, mother to my children, wife to my husband... by taking a stand for something I believe in or by showing love and kindness when I was angry or disgusted at something.  Instead of doing these things, I choose to wear the mask of "nothing bothers me" and "everything is okay"... I came off to some people as nonchalant or uncaring when actually I CARED a LOT but was too afraid to show it and I CARED a LOT when I saw my friends making bad decisions that could put them in danger... and even went right along with them myself at times. That does not mean these very same people are not my friends anymore or that now I feel like I can judge them. I love and care about my friends very much. I am still 100% their friend just as much as I was before ...and just the same, I know that my friends wouldn't turn against me for making the decision I have made. 

What is TRUE about me is that I do LOVE people! I always have and I always will. My greatest gift and talent given to me by God is my ability to LOVE and FORGIVE. I have always known that and at times it has even felt like a curse because love can also cause pain. So please don't mistake my motives, when I sign these posts "love, Andrea" that is truly what I mean. And please don't think that when you judge me for my decision and try to dissect my words so that you can use them against religion or God,  that you are being the nonjudgmental one.

Jesus showed us in the Bible how to love one another. It says "love one another" in the bible over and over and over again. I am sorry if you are reading this and have had a bad experience with a judgmental and harsh Christian person. I am very sorry for that happening to you but I can Promise you that GOD is love... he created, defines and owns it. And He is also the only ONE who can judge you and truly knows your heart.... and mine too!


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