Thursday, February 5, 2015

GETTING BEYOND MY MASK! Chapter 1: Book Study {Lord, Only You Can Change Me}

In a couple of weeks, Ashley and I will be doing a video overview of questions and thoughts on chapter 1 in Kay Arthur's book that studies growing in character based on the Beatitudes. The book's title is Lord, Only You Can Change Me. You can order this book from Life Way, Books A Million, and many more places. It is not too late to join in reading this book along with us and several others!!

Ashley posted this morning on what she is learning in this book and I will do the same! We hope you will email us at and let us know how this book is touching your life!

This is my second time through Chapter 1: Getting Beyond Our Masks. I was so impressed by the perspective in this book and how it made me look deeper into my own life and make changes necessary to become a better mom, wife, friend, business owner... and just every aspect of my life has been changed in some way from studying the Beatitudes in this depth!

These verses stuck out to me the most in this chapter:

Matthew 7:13-14
13 Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

It is so easy to walk along the wide path... there are so many people there, it is so fun at first, it is easy to find this path, but ultimately it will destroy you. I was on that wide path where everything in this world was okay and acceptable. I may have chosen not to do certain things but said WHATEVER for the people who do... that is their life, not my responsibility. Then something caught my eye... something stopped me dead in my tracks and I FOUND IT!!! I FOUND THE NARROW GATE, I saw the small road and I saw my life greater and better on that path.... that path is narrow... sometimes I will have to balance my weight to keep on that path... I will just have to hold Jesus' hand to be able to keep my feet on it....  but that path leads to life, real life, life with GOD. I decided to get beyond my mask... the mask I wore on the wide path that people could look at me and say "Andrea, she is okay with whatever!" I stepped off the wide path and onto the narrow, only by the grace and mercy of God was I even allowed to step my filthy feet on there! I am there now, I am healing and God is still cleaning.

If you haven't already ....
You can Find the gate, remove the mask, pray for Jesus to hold your hand.. there is room for you here... If I can then so can you :). FIND IT!!!!


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