Thursday, March 5, 2015

He is sufficient !

"And He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness" 2 Cor 12:9

3 times Paul pleaded for the "thorn" of affliction to be removed, but God replied-"My grace is sufficient for YOU, for power is perfected in weakness." Whatever afflictions, addictions, complications or ramifications that you face --God is sufficient! Power is the ability or right to control people or things. If we submit those delicate dilemmas so dear to our heart, that cripple and crumble our fortitude--He stands strong and in power! His power is perfected in that weakness. We can endure any disadvantage, any condition that weakens us because His grace is sufficient! That's a trade-off for the weary heavy -hearted soul that sees a no-hope circumstance! There is rest for the soul. The Spirit will lead the soul where the character of man cannot go because He is sufficient!
Praying for you and me that those troubling life  circumstances and weakness become a place where God is glorified strongly!  --Ash

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