Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Mercy and grace showed up in hell!

Occult practices are apart of our world. It seems that mainstream movies and books focus on the devil and fear of demons, while an idea is promoted that the Holy Spirit of God, and His angels of light, are either powerless against the devil, out of fashion for today's modern culture, or not even mentioned, with little or no attention given to His right arms--His mighty angels! 
This trend is disturbing to me. It breeds an idea that evil is scary and intriguing. But there is only One that we are to fear, and that is God. A holy reverence for our Maker realizing that He has the power to save our souls! And wants to save our souls so that we can live life to its fullest and live in eternity with Him.
Which do you have a greater fear of--the devil or God?
God has the ability to use what was meant for evil for good, as one biblical author said "God works in all things, And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:27,28.
 But the focus has to be on God and His powers for true deliverance. The things that we fear, the spirit of what we fear, must come under the subjection of God.  Whatever we feed grows! Whatever we feed the most, dominates.
Their is only One God. One denominator that has the ability to work in all things.

God is power!  Through scripture we know that His power can be administered by His very real angels of lights. We must testify of the power of God, or the world will remain in darkness.
It should bring us comfort to know that His angels are encamped around those who fear him, and he delivers them (Psalm 34:7).
We must guard ourselves against false perceptions that may root in our hearts that says science is sanity, and only proven evidence should be deemed worthy of attention. Science is evolving and may one day catch up with God's angels of light, on the subatomic level, but more than likely not because Hebrews 11:1 states that "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." So the substance of faith, or the proof that God exists, or the materialization of God and His angels, the "show me" factor should remain a mystery, for we don't hope for things seen, we hope for things not seen. 
And when God chooses to appear those of us who were confident in what we hoped for won't be surprised because we were the enlightened ones all along! Beloved, take confidence in that!
We must guard our senses, for what we allow in our hearts through our eyes and ears makes its way to our heart.  The eye is the lamp of the body. When our eyes are healthy, our whole body also is full of light. But if  they are unhealthy, by watching and listening to junk then our body also is full of darkness. (Luke 11:34)
Have you heard the claim that the  Word of God is outdated? "Enlightened people" have grumbled that for centuries now, but think about it-- presently the Bible is the number one most read book in the entire world, traveling across time, eras and countless cultures to move on the hearts of men.  And today, men are still getting saved! (Hebrews 4:12)
That's not passé'--that's POWER! 
Remember that GREATER is he that is in you, than he that is in the world! 1 John 4:4
  "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper that any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
Hebrews 4:12
(Ex Satan Worshipper John Ramirez Testimony)

Praying for you and for me! Love, Ashley

Friday, February 19, 2016

Lace up, shape up and shine!

I have to say that over these past three days that my walking partners have been absolutely motivating to me! It had gotten to the point that my joints were stiffening up! "OH LORT," I thought. " I am not about to sit down and stop now! I gotta get going!"

So I made up my mind to move--to stretch out and warm up those stiff muscles! To get out of my comfort zone. In a way, to stretch out past my own self-confining limitations. There's still a lot of stuff that I need and want to do. Can't get it done by idling sitting, or standing by, now can I?

I had different walking partners this week, but we all shared a common bond--a love for Christ! We love the Lord. And so we are sisters.
Last night as we walked from my house to the walking trail, the thought came to me--amazing that one could come considering the amount of oxygen being diverted to my lungs as I hassled for the next precious gasp of air (smh)-- but the thought was that these women were exceptional women in their own way, and I was blessed to be journeying with them. Each one was a shining example of how different aspects of my own life could be improved!

Last night there was a group of us gals walking. We met at my house to walk to a walking trail less than a mile from my house. There was a 78 year old lady who I teamed up with because, you know, I figured we could lag behind the three Speedy Gonzales' who had fire emitting from their tennis shoes!
We did lag behind, but soon I was somewhat shamed. Here she was out, giving it her all, and adamant about pressing on! I suggested we turn around early in our trek, but she was steadfast. She said we could rest when we reached the walking trail. Once we reached the trial, the other three championed me to jog and met up with them, as Ms. Faye rested. The ladies that championed me on--a 44 year old chic, who, at her age, decided to go back to school to get her nurse practitioner’s license, what tenacity; a 58 year old woman who battled cancer, won and is recovering from a very recent surgery, but was scooting it!  She would have to raise her arm as she scuttled to relieve the pressure, but it looked like she was praising the Lord to me, and she truly was with every step she made, what drive.  Also in our pavement pounding posse' was a 44 year old single lady who is determined to raise her kids standing on the principles of Christ, without compromise in today's world, what strength!  And of course, there is the real champion, the  78 year old spiritual spit fire that rested but for a moment at that track, then made a round, before heading back to my house while we girls made a few more rounds.  What unfaltering persistent resolution! That lady didn't fear the walk in the dark alone at all!

Without question, if you were to ask where their tenacity, drive, strength and resolution, where those qualities come from, they would be quick to say from a foundation built on the love of Christ and his teachings. It would come from a faith built on the enduring word of God and the promises that come with His word.

Success comes in different shapes and forms for different people. My success hinges inside the Bible, how often I open and close it to meditate on His words; my success lies in my heart- felt prayer life, which is equally important-- for where my heart is, my mind will follow, and then my actions. But my success also is in the people that I look at as examples of how to do this thing that we call life!  And God has blessed me with some exceptional ones.
Oh, they would deflect their role, as they have had their own struggles, but they unassumingly reflect Christ in their walk, and that is undeniable! I so want my own walk to reflect His Spirit in everything that I do. So that is why I am pressing on.
And I encourage you to lace up and keep moving toward the goal! You have an awesome prize that is waiting for you.
"Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. 25Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things." 1 Corinthians 9:24,25
Praying for you and for me! Ashley