Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Keep on the firing line

We have battles in our lives that hurt us to our core. Troubles that touch our spirit in such a way that those disappointments could keep us bound to them, forever tackled to the memories and the pain. And that is what the enemy of our soul wants. So that we can't be effective. So that we can't be a positive influence in the world around us. But that is not who we are, if we are a child of God. If we are a child of God, then we understand that times of testing will come and that those tests are real hell and brimstone fire blasts of our character, of our commitment to the teachings of Christ. In those times when hell is brewing with fire, it's not a comfortable place, but a real place of sifting out what could be the death of you!  It is warfare.  It is in those times of warfare that character is tested, where strength of will is tested, where your belief in what God promises--- is tested. It is there in that developmental place that God outfits. He addresses doubts.  Doubting during this time comes natural because the foundations of who we are--are being tested. Cracks will reveal themselves. The enemy can use a hairline crack to seep in to bust open the gates of hell. 
 But God is exact. He gives exactly what you need.  God fortifies those who seek Him out. He will not leave one doubt unattended. And those who turn to Him for His strength cannot be left in a weakened state. I woke up to the song "Firing Line". Hear the words: 
  1. If you’re in the battle for the Lord and right,
    Keep on the firing line;
    If you win, my brother, surely you must fight,
    Keep on the firing line;
    There are many dangers that we all must face,
    If we die still fighting it is no disgrace;
    Cowards in the service will not find a place,
    So keep on the firing line.
    • Refrain:
      Oh, you must fight, be brave against all evil,
      Never run, nor even lag behind;
      If you would win for God and the right,
      Just keep on the firing line.
  2. God will only use the soldier He can trust,
    Keep on the firing line;
    If you’ll wear a crown then bear the cross you must,
    Keep on the firing line.
    Life is but to labor for the Master dear,
    Help to banish evil and to spread good cheer;
    Great you’ll be rewarded for your service here,
    So keep on the firing line.
  3. When we get to heaven, brother, we’ll be glad,
    Keep on the firing line;
    How we’ll praise the Savior for the call we had,
    Keep on the firing line;
    When we see the souls that we have helped to win,
    Leading them to Jesus, from the paths of sin,
    With a shout of welcome, we will all march in,
    So keep on the firing line.
  4. The music is upbeat. The rhythm uplifting, and is the opposite of how real life battles can feel. But in scripture, God directs us to praise Him in the battle! 
  5. Warfare is humanity at its worst. It is bloody and violent. It is foe against foe. There is no friendly resolve. There must be a victory and there must be a defeat. Those are the terms. The enemy of our soul must be defeated. Either we lose some character flaw or gain something of great value. Our goal is to have faith that right will win and our spirit will soar in victory and we come out with a new resolve-- that no weapon formed against us will prosper. And that those hairline cracks that were revealed are repaired. So to my dear sisters who are on the firing line and facing certain battles--maybe you are facing oppression that could kill you or depression that bounds you--whatever your situation, where ever you are-- lift up your battle cry to the Lord and sing His song of victory. Trying times must come,  but defeat-- defeat is optional! Keep on the firing line! http://youtu.be/DGPrl8qiVxs