Wednesday, October 21, 2015

A woman falls or fails and that is nothing new

A woman falls or fails and that is nothing new
Failure is nothing new. God makes all things new, according to Revelations 21:5. And we understand that He does not fail.  It is not in His nature. So failure is old. It is as old as the story of creation. And in Genesis, an account was written of the first woman, really of the first person, who failed! How would you like that infamy? But her failure set a pattern that if followed by women today, will lead her down a path of frustration and pain, and away from the good things in life. So let's examine this woman and how she failed. For if God did not want us to learn from her failure, He would not have inspired the author to give its account. Sure, we have heard the old adage "If at first you don't succeed --try and try again". That statement rings true, but indicates some failure happened at some point and is to be expected as we learn something new.  But if a pattern of failure is followed time and time again, something new must come along to break that pattern up.
And that is where God comes in and brings wisdom to enlighten. That is where He steps in and brings commands, not to be a bully but to be a savior.
The Garden of Eden was a life setting for Eve and Adam. Even today, God has plans for every single woman, man and child. He has an ideal setting that will lead to an exceptional life. A life that doesn't learn from bad choices, but a life that excels lead by the Spirit of God to good and pleasing things. A life's work with a purpose. 
But in the middle of this life setting called Eden, in His infinite wisdom, He planted various wonderful pleasing choices to dine on. He made trees grow that had seed and trees that bore food for nourishment. 
He planted in the middle of this garden two trees that received certain designations. One was the Tree of Life, the other the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He commanded them not to eat of the latter, warning that if the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was eaten, then they would surely die. 
In other words, He warned--- don't hunger for good and evil. Don't hunger for both. Don't hunger to know evil. I have many many good things for you. Trust my command. 
A choice though was given. 
God did not cage and feed them. They freely walked about. But God did make the tree, as the opposite of the other, since one was life the other lead to death. 
I believe that the tree of life must have been vibrant, alive, and exceptional. Because according to scripture, all the trees were pleasing to the eyes and in some way brought life, and had life in them. But this one tree was called the Tree of Life. 
And God gave them a choice between the two. He gave them options. Only people who are free get options. But still Eve defied God's plan. 
It's still the same today. In the middle of every life circumstance, you will encounter options--the way to life or the way to know evil. Envision both trees planted. See that slippery serpent slithering down to tempt you in one form or another. He is the tempter. He makes you question rights and wrongs set out by God by twisting the truth so that it appears okay to try. 
Some life circumstances do look pleasing and may for a moment taste good and will fill your gut. But if it's contrary to the word of God and is fruit that leads you away from God, away from his commands-- it's sin.
If you listen to the serpent's lies, like Eve, and fall to his whispers, then know your life will dramatically change. 
Soon after the sweetness left Eve's lips, she felt fear and shame, and she hid herself. Her pain multiplied. Sin brings frustration, agony, despair, and fear -- lots and lots of fear.
The tree of Life was not called the tree of life and death for a reason.  It stands as life. It embodies. It reproduces. It thrives.
Eve knew she was subject to God's command. She even added to the serpent that touching the fruit, would lead to death. But her senses were engaged by the serpent. She desired to have the wisdom of God, but not listen to God's wisdom. And in that burning desire she alienated herself. She was stripped naked of His likeness.  Eve was not wise, but a fool who listened to half truths from a crafty critter. Her gain was the full knowledge of evil that she soon used as she duped Adam into being ---just like her. And here is another kicker: the serpent convinced Eve that by eating the fruit of evil that she would be like God but she failed to remember that she had already been made like him, in His image. That slippery serpent is crafty at using words. 
Life will present itself with choices. Choose wisely and seek the likeness of God and what would please Him.

My prayer is that everyday I strive to be more like His image, and less of my image.
Be blessed. In Love, Ashley